Some of us hate to toot our own horn, so why not allow others the opportunity to allow others to sing your praises for you?

It’s vital to get testimonials for your business, but it’s more powerful to get video testimonials. If you think that video is powerful then you won’t believe how much impact video testimonials can be.

Having video testimonials on your website, on various social media platforms will allow other potential clients hear for themselves what it is like to work with you, how effective you are, and what type of results you help others receive.

This video not only explores how and why video testimonials are powerful, but also what questions you should ask your clients so you can receiving amazing testimonials.

That’s right I’m sharing with you three essential questions to ask your current clients in order for you to receive valuable feedback but also powerful information that can lead to your next potential clients.

I’m not only providing you with questions but also ways to showcase your authenticity as a business owner to prove you’re not just blowing hot air.

There are also simple ways for your clients to share their videos with you.  I cover all of that and more in this video.

Do stay tuned, because this video is piping hot.  You might want to grab a pen and a piece paper and write these questions down.

Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more video treats and goodies.



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