“If you hadn’t told me you were an introvert, I never would have guessed it from your videos.”

This was a statement that a client made to me just this week.

The truth is, it takes a lot of hard work for me to prepare myself to do videos, but when I’ve set my mind to something, I’m all in.

But I’m going to debunk some myths about introverted people and business owners.

MYTH: Most people believe that a lot of introverts are naturally shy people.
REALITY: We’re sociable people we just like to recharge our batteries and unwind privately, and we thrive better in smaller groups and in 1-on-1 conversations.

MYTH: Introverts fail in business.
REALITY: Introverted business owners can be and are just as successful as anyone else. However, the way we manage our businesses are completely different.

Here is the BOTTOMLINE:

You don’t have to pretend or suffer from impostor syndrome when it comes to your business or creating videos to market your services. Guess what?


Implement some of the same practices you use in your life and/or business so you can thrive.

Even as an introvert I can show you how you can build strong relationships with you viewers and clients without feeling like you’re giving all of you away to someone else.

Creating videos and allowing yourself to be seen and stand out and be heard is not a bad thing.

The right people will connect with you when you know how to create videos that reach their hearts, and implement strategies so that your ideal clients can find you.

It’s the only way to stand out in the sea of online marketing.

P.S. If you’re eager to find out more about how you can create video content that will speak to your dream clients, and how to increase your brand awareness, visibility, and exposure, then you need to jump on a discovery call with me.

Sign up right here: https://calendly.com/sacolalehr

Blog Photo Credit: photo credit: One Way Stock <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/60141638@N06/8512104420">Hello My Name Is Introvert</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/">(license)</a>

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